A Brief Guide to Branch Meetings

Meetings can seem formal but with over 5000 Branch members entitled to stand for officer posts, conferences, election for service group/regional committees, Branch /Committee and AGM meetings - it is important to ensure UNISON rules are adhered to and that all our members who make up our distinct Regional Branch are able to fully participate.

The Branch AGM elects its Branch Officers every year-The nomination forms and details of job descriptions were circulated 12 weeks in advance of the AGM date and in accordance with UNISON Rule Book.

Branch Election results will be announced at the AGM with vacant positions to be filled at the AGM meeting.

With over 570 employers'  spread across the West Midlands getting yourself nominated as a workplace steward , contact, H&S rep or Union Learning Rep (ULR) is really important and helps to ensure your workplace is represented at Branch meetings Plus you receive FREE training from UNISON to help you carry out your role.

Elected Branch Officers also known as Branch Executive are elected in accordance with UNISON Rule Book at the AGM and meet every month- your travel costs will be paid and you will play a crucial role in the running of the Branch.

Branch Constitution and Rule Book positions: (Job share option)

- Branch Secretary

- Chair person

- Treasurer

- Education Co-ordinator

- Equality Officer

- Health and Safety Officer

- Communications Officer

- International Officer

- Young Members Officer

- Membership Officer

- Welfare Officer

- Labour Link Officer * Optional

- Retired Members Officer * Optional

Elected Branch Committee members are nominated and elected in accordance with UNISON RULE Book at AGM and throughout the year. The Committee meets 6 times a year- your travel costs will be paid and you will play a crucial role within the Branch and workplace.

Branch Constitution and Rule Book positions: (* Recognised Workplaces. Job share option)

- Workplace Steward *

- Workplace Health & Safety Rep *

- Workplace Learning Rep*

- Workplace Contact

The AGM will elect 2 Regional Reps to represent:

- Housing Associations

- Charities and Voluntary Organisations

You will be required to meet approx. 4/6 times a year in London (expenses will be paid) to represent the views of members working within the service group.

The AGM will elect x to attend Regional Council meetings who meet x a year

The AGM will elect x reps to attend Regional Council meetings who meet x a year.

The invite for delegates to attend conferences will be circulated via email and Branch proforma.

Please make sure as many people as possible can have their say and fully respect the views of others.

The Chair: is there to keep order and to ensure things are run within UNISON and Branch rules and constitution.

Motions: Motions create policy that mandates the Branch. They are introduced by the Mover named on the agenda. The Seconder can then speak after or later in the debate.

Amendments: can add, change or delete bits of the motions but they cannot merely contradict a motion.

Speaking: The mover of a motion gets up to 7 minutes to speak and the other speakers get 3 minutes. Then any member can speak and should start by giving their name, employer and job title. They must keep to the issue and can speak only once.

How do I get to speak? Just put up your hand or come forward. The Chair decides the order of speakers, usually alternating for and against.

Right of Reply: The mover gets another chance at the end but new material cannot be raised.

Voting: Normally voting is by a show of hands but elections for Branch officers may also be by ballot. The Chair will rule on whether a motion is carried is carried or not. If in doubt she/he will call for a count.

Ending a debate: Normally, a debate goes on until everyone has spoken-but after five speakers, anyone who has not spoken in the debate can move the debate and ask the Chair that "the question be put" The meeting will immediately vote on this and if carried will go onto the right of reply and the vote.

If you are unsure about anything at all- just ask the Chair.